Doctoral fellow
2014 - 2019
In my research, I applied and developed algebraic and geometric tools for the study of multistationarity in biochemical networks and, more generally, positive solutions of sparse polynomial systems.
I published, in collaboration with other researchers, 4 scientific articles in high-impact peer-reviewed journals, and presented my research at national and international conferences.
List of Publications in Google Scholar
Dto. de Ciencias Exactas, CBC, UBA
Graduate teaching assistant (Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos, Ayudante de Primera)
2016 - 2020
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (Ayudante de segunda)
2011 - 2016
I taught classes to undergraduate students. I gave lectures and graded exams.
Courses taught: Álgebra, Análisis, Matemática, Matemática para Biología.
Dto. de Matemática, FCEN, UBA
Graduate teaching assistant (Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos, Ayudante de Primera)
2015 - 2019
I taught classes to undergraduate students, giving lectures as well as consultation classes. I designed exam problems and evaluated the results.
Courses taught: Álgebra I, Álgebra lineal, Análisis I, Matemática 2.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (Ayudante de segunda)
2011 - 2015
Mostly I helped students to solve practical exercises in consultation classes.
Courses taught: Álgebra I, Álgebra Lineal, Análisis I, Cálculo Avanzado, Matemática 2.