Olimpíada Matemática Argentina
During my school years, I participated in the Argentinian Mathematics Olympiad (OMA), a fantastic experience where I discovered the pleasure of solving problems. After high school, I’ve been collaborating in various activities. I was a member of the jury in the national competition from 2014 to 2018 and
deputy leader of the Argentinian team in the Ibero-American Mathematics Olympiad of 2017, among others.
Since 2008, I have been a member of the Olympic Committee of MateClubes, an annual team competition organized by the Argentinian Mathematics Olympiad
for students between 9 and 16 years old. The Committee elaborates the test of all instances and acts as a jury. I also participated in the writing of two
MateClubes books, which include a compilation of mathematical problems and the corresponding solutions.
Monikulttuurikeskus Gloria
Multicultural Center Gloria is a great place for different people and cultures to meet, in Jyväskylä, Finland. Several multicultural activities are organized. During my time living in Finland, I attended the center both as a participant and as a volunteer. I collaborated in the organization of the language café and as a language guide in the Spanish Learning Group.